Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Continuous Injustice And Discrimination Have Served
The continuous injustice and discrimination have served as a motivation for African Americans to create a voice for themselves. Although protests could be visualized as marches and sit-ins, they were not limited to these methods. African American writers made sure to create a space for themselves to protest and convince with their words and emotions put into their pieces.African American literature comprises of the African American culture itself. Works that fall into this genre focus on the hardships that African-American have and continue to face. These works are not restricted to the issue of slavery, although it may be incorporated with other important elements in a piece. In fact, some writers in this genre, while allowing for slavery†¦show more content†¦Hurston uses the themes of individuality, along with identity, to create a story of independence and freedom. To look further into the theme of individuality, Hurston uses many instances that set the main character, Ja nie, apart from others and deny her conformity with social norms. To explain, Janie in the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, demonstrates that her individuality can be found through redefining her morals and values. Janie marries three different men, and with each, she has a different experience that spurs her to reflect on herself and what she truly believes. Her first marriage to Logan Killicks, a wealthy farmer, is forced by her grandmother. Janie’s grandmother is one of the many characters that demonstrates the submission to the rules and standards of the dominant, white societal rules and standards. For example, after Janie visits her grandmother and tells her that she does not love Logan, her grandmother tells her, â€Å"You come head wid yo’ mouf full foolishness on uh busy day. Heah you got uh prop tuh lean on all yo’ bawn days, and big protection, and everybody got tuh tip dey hat tuh you and call you Mis’ Killicks, an you come worryinâ€℠¢ me ‘bout love†(Hurston 23). Her grandmother dismisses Janie’s feelings about love. Her grandmother believes that love will eventually come, but the status and wealth are what are important. Janie is entrapped, living how her grandmother wishes her to ratherShow MoreRelatedThe Nineteen Sixties Riots: Disasters Waiting to Happen Essay843 Words  | 4 Pagesjust waiting for a crack to burst out of. All of the racial disturbances that occurred in the sixties can really be traced back to three main reasons: (1) discrimination and deprivation, (2) the civil rights movement and its doctrine of civil disobedience and (3) continuous mistreatment by the police. Racial injustice and discrimination is, perhaps the most obvious reason for the uprisings of Negro citizens of the ghettos in the sixties. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Animal Testing Is Not A Recent Occurrence Essay - 1359 Words
The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide, catering to both men and women. Cosmetics seem to be so pervasive that everywhere you look, you can find some sort of cosmetic advertisement or commercial. Considering this high demand for cosmetics, many companies strive to produce products that will satisfy the consumer. However, in order for some cosmetic companies to manufacture their products, testing is conducted in the expense of animals. In the following report, we will examine many of the adversities that are associated with animal testing while offering some recommendations on how to remedy this issue. Background on the Issue Animal testing is not a recent occurrence. According to Nohynek et al. (2010) animal testing has been conducted since the 1930’s in order to evaluate the toxicity of consumer products. Animal testing began to attract attention when a woman became blind as a result of applying mascara that had a high level of toxicity, causing her to go blind (Nohynek et al., 2010). As a result of the incident, The Food and Drug Administration passed the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which gives authority to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to watch over the food, drugs, and cosmetics (Evans, 2012). Considering how cosmetic manufacturers are held responsible for ensuring that their products will not harm their consumers, it is of the utmost importance that products are adequately testing; and for those products thatShow MoreRelatedThe Pros of Animal Testing Essay1412 Words  | 6 Pages Albert Sabin, the developer of the polio vaccine once said, â€Å"Without animal research, polio would still be claiming thousands of lives each year.†Polio is a deadly disease caused by a virus that spreads from person to person. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
International Trade Fishery Import
Question: Discuss about the International Trade Fishery Import. Answer: Russia Removed import duties on Fish Products The article presents an economic decision made by the Russian Government to spark fishery imports and meet the escalated demand for fishery products. The decision not only does that but goes further to kindle foreign trade, create an attractive Fishery products market in Russia and trigger the sprouting and development of the fish processing plants in Russia. The Russian government, through Directorate of Federal Customs Revenues and Tariff Regulation, removed import duties on fish products. The decision was mainly instigated by the imbalance between demand and supply of the fish products in Russia. Additionally, the deficit in meeting the demand of fishery products, saturated domestic market and need to expand the fishing processing industry instigated zeroing of the import duties for fishery products. In the article, an official statement of the Ministry of Economic Development notes that, Due to saturation of the domestic market and meeting the demand of fishery products, as well as increasing of the load of fish processing plants, was considered appropriate to zero the import duties for marine fish production. The Russian decision is further cemented by the economic statistics that had been collected over some previous years. Basing on the statistics given by the Russian Federal Fisheries Agency, Russia reported about 13% decrease on the imported fishery products. A trend that needed an urgent economic decision to create a balance between demand and supply besides creating other economic merits mentioned above. The articles notes, The Russian Federation imported 307,500 tons of fish products, which is 13% less than the same period last year. Import duties, also known as tariffs, are a tax imposed by the government on goods bought from other countries (imports). Simply put, import duties raise the price of goods thus consumers pay higher price to acquire a basket of goods[1]. Although they are mainly imposed to prevent free trade hence protecting the domestic industries from relatively cheaper imported goods, import duties mainly leads to retaliation by other countries. The exporter may too impose import duties on the other countrys exports. Fig1.-Effects of import Duties on Equilibrium Price Analyzing the above figure, without any trade, the equilibrium price (P0) is 1.80 and a quantity of 40 million is exchanged. However, when an import duty of 0.4 is imposed the price of import drops by 0.20 to 1.60. Consequently, the quantity of the import drops by 20 million. That is 50 million less 30 million. Fig2-Effects of Reduction of Import Duties Assuming that Russia did not entirely remove the import duties on the fishery products but reduced the amount of tariffs charged on imports, in this case, the import duties will be given by . The Tariff (Import duty) causes a reduction in imports. Analytically, the imports were Q4-Q1 but after imposing import duties, the imports fall to Q3-Q2. We can therefore say that trade liberalization which involves repelling of barriers to trade, free trade creation and lower prices for consumers can be fathered by removing import duties.[2] Besides, the move to repel tariffs have other myriads of benefits to the counties involved including peaceful political existence which further encourages trade between trading parties. However, despite the benefits that comes with reduction or removal of tariffs, imposition of taxes have some benefits too. Imposing duties on imports increase revenue collection by the government (other factors remaining constant, e.g amount of imports), protects domestic industries from international completion and may to some extend discourage importation of harmful goods[3]. Generally speaking, the move by Russian government, as brought forward by the article, to remove the import duties on fishery products will be a boon to fostering the expansion of domestic fishery plants. Besides, it will strike a balance between the demand and supply that was being encountered by the domestic consumers as noted in the article, Due to saturation of the domestic market and meeting the demand of fishery products, as well as increasing of the load of fish processing plants, was considered appropriate to zero the import duties for marine fish production. Most importantly, the decision will improve the benefits it derives from the international meet the industry demands of its locals. Bibliography Tragakes, Ellie. Economics for the IB Diploma- Second Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) Irwin, Douglas. Free Trade Under fire-third Edition (Preston UniversityPress, 2012) Tragakes, Ellie. International Trade Economics for the IB Dimploma. 2nd.ed.Cambridge UP, 2012.366.Print Irwin, Douglas. Free Trade under Fire.3rd.ed.Priceton University press, 2012.265.Print Irwin,301
Monday, December 2, 2019
Stephen King Essays - Novels By Stephen King, Stephen King
Stephen King If you have an imagination, let it run free. - Steven King, 1963 The King of Terror Stephen Edwin King is one of todays most popular and best selling writers. King combines the elements of psychological thrillers, science fiction, the paranormal, and detective themes into his stories. In addition to these themes, King sticks to using great and vivid detail that is set in a realistic everyday place. Stephen King who is mainly known for his novels, has broadened his horizons to different types of writings such as movie scripts, nonfiction, autobiographies, childrens books, and short stories. While Stephen King might be best known for his novels The Stand and It, some of his best work that has been published are his short stories such as The Body and Quitters Inc. Kings works are so powerful because he uses his experience and observations from his everyday life and places them into his unique stories. Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine, on September 21, 1947, at the Maine General Hospital. Stephen, his mother Nellie, and his adopted brother David were left to fend for themselves when Stephens father Donald, a Merchant Marine captain, left one day, to go the store to buy a pack of cigarettes, and never returned. His fathers leaving had a big indirect impact on Kings life. In the autobiographical work Danse Macabre, Stephen King recalls how his family life was altered: After my father took off, my mother, struggled, and then landed on her feet. My brother and I didnt see a great deal of her over the next nine years. She worked a succession of continuous low paying jobs. Stephens first outlooks on life were influenced by his older brother and what he figured out on his own. While young Stephen and his family moved around the North Eastern and Central United States. When he was seven years old, they moved to Stratford, Connecticut. Here is where King got his first exposure to horror. One evening he listened to the radio adaptation of Ray Bradburys story Mars Is Heaven! That night King recalls he slept in the doorway, where the real and rational light of the bathroom bulb could shine on my face (Beaham 16). Stephen Kings exposure to oral storytelling on the radio had a large impact on his later writings. King tells his stories in visual terms so that the reader would be able to see what was happening in their own mind, somewhat in the same fashion the way it was done on the radio (Beaham 17). Kings fascination with horror early on continued and was pushed along only a couple weeks after Bradburys story. One day little Stephen was looking through his mothers books and came across one named The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. After his mother finished reading the book to him, Stephen was hooked. He immediately asked her to read it again. King recalls that summer when I was seven, [my mother] must have read it to me half a dozen times(Beaham 17) . Ironically that same year, while Stephen was still seven years old, he went to go see his first horror movie, The Creature from the Black Lagoon. This is important because Stephen says, Since [the movie], I still see things cinematically. I write down everything I see. What I see, it seems like a movie to me(Beaham 17). During this year the biggest event that probably had the biggest impact on Stephen Kings writing style was the discovery of the author H. P. Lovecraft. King would later write of Lovecraft, He struck with the most force, and I still think, for all his shortcomings, he is the best writer of horror fiction that America has yet produced(Beaham 22). In many of Lovecrafts writings he always used his present surroundings as the back drop of his stories. King has followed in his footsteps with the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine. Castle Rock is a combination of several towns that King moved to and from with his family in his childhood. The main town that it resembles is that of Durham, Maine. It was after the exposure to H. P. Lovecrafts stories that King first
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