Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Continuous Injustice And Discrimination Have Served
The continuous injustice and discrimination have served as a motivation for African Americans to create a voice for themselves. Although protests could be visualized as marches and sit-ins, they were not limited to these methods. African American writers made sure to create a space for themselves to protest and convince with their words and emotions put into their pieces.African American literature comprises of the African American culture itself. Works that fall into this genre focus on the hardships that African-American have and continue to face. These works are not restricted to the issue of slavery, although it may be incorporated with other important elements in a piece. In fact, some writers in this genre, while allowing for slavery†¦show more content†¦Hurston uses the themes of individuality, along with identity, to create a story of independence and freedom. To look further into the theme of individuality, Hurston uses many instances that set the main character, Ja nie, apart from others and deny her conformity with social norms. To explain, Janie in the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, demonstrates that her individuality can be found through redefining her morals and values. Janie marries three different men, and with each, she has a different experience that spurs her to reflect on herself and what she truly believes. Her first marriage to Logan Killicks, a wealthy farmer, is forced by her grandmother. Janie’s grandmother is one of the many characters that demonstrates the submission to the rules and standards of the dominant, white societal rules and standards. For example, after Janie visits her grandmother and tells her that she does not love Logan, her grandmother tells her, â€Å"You come head wid yo’ mouf full foolishness on uh busy day. Heah you got uh prop tuh lean on all yo’ bawn days, and big protection, and everybody got tuh tip dey hat tuh you and call you Mis’ Killicks, an you come worryinâ€℠¢ me ‘bout love†(Hurston 23). Her grandmother dismisses Janie’s feelings about love. Her grandmother believes that love will eventually come, but the status and wealth are what are important. Janie is entrapped, living how her grandmother wishes her to ratherShow MoreRelatedThe Nineteen Sixties Riots: Disasters Waiting to Happen Essay843 Words  | 4 Pagesjust waiting for a crack to burst out of. All of the racial disturbances that occurred in the sixties can really be traced back to three main reasons: (1) discrimination and deprivation, (2) the civil rights movement and its doctrine of civil disobedience and (3) continuous mistreatment by the police. Racial injustice and discrimination is, perhaps the most obvious reason for the uprisings of Negro citizens of the ghettos in the sixties. 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