Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Animal Testing Is Not A Recent Occurrence Essay - 1359 Words
The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide, catering to both men and women. Cosmetics seem to be so pervasive that everywhere you look, you can find some sort of cosmetic advertisement or commercial. Considering this high demand for cosmetics, many companies strive to produce products that will satisfy the consumer. However, in order for some cosmetic companies to manufacture their products, testing is conducted in the expense of animals. In the following report, we will examine many of the adversities that are associated with animal testing while offering some recommendations on how to remedy this issue. Background on the Issue Animal testing is not a recent occurrence. According to Nohynek et al. (2010) animal testing has been conducted since the 1930’s in order to evaluate the toxicity of consumer products. Animal testing began to attract attention when a woman became blind as a result of applying mascara that had a high level of toxicity, causing her to go blind (Nohynek et al., 2010). As a result of the incident, The Food and Drug Administration passed the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which gives authority to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to watch over the food, drugs, and cosmetics (Evans, 2012). Considering how cosmetic manufacturers are held responsible for ensuring that their products will not harm their consumers, it is of the utmost importance that products are adequately testing; and for those products thatShow MoreRelatedThe Pros of Animal Testing Essay1412 Words  | 6 Pages Albert Sabin, the developer of the polio vaccine once said, â€Å"Without animal research, polio would still be claiming thousands of lives each year.†Polio is a deadly disease caused by a virus that spreads from person to person. 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